Monday, May 25, 2009

Mission Showers

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything. I'm going to catch up before I leave for my mission. On Tuesday April 7 Aunt Sandi threw a missionary shower for me. It was so nice and I never expected to get so many nice things. I got a whole bunch of really really cute shirts for my mission, knee highs, gift certificates, and other fun things. It was so fun! Thank you everyone who came and thank you so much Aunt Sandi for putting that together!!! I'll have to get the pictures from Aunt Sandi and post them later =) Last Wednesday, May 20, a girl from my singles ward in church also through a mission shower which was so sweet of her. Sadly I didn't take any pictures though. It started out by everyone giving advice for my mission which was great advice that I'm definitely going to use. Then we played mission jeopardy. I really didn't know any of the answers so I'm glad other people knew them for the most part lol, I learned a lot. After I opened the presents. I got hand santitizer, mint mouth drops because you can't chew gum, flip flogs, lots of stamps, stationary, and some mula. We had brownies and ice cream after. It was a lot of fun! Thank you Annette and everyone who came and helped!! I had never heard of missionary showers until I came to Utah lol but I like them and I'm so grateful that I got some thrown for me for serving a mission =-)

1 comment:

Gwen said...

The showers sound great, I'd never heard of them.