Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mission Farewell

Sunday May 24, 2009

I'm leaving on my Mission soooooon!
Here are some pictures of the 'open-house'/get-togeter after I gave my talk. It was supposed to be outside but the weather decided to rain of course and change those plans. Thank you Aunt Sandi and Uncle Brent for letting us have it at your house!
Maddy, Ash, Grammy, and Lynds
Whitney and her lil brother Tyler
There's Grandpa and Grandma Matthews and Andria
Brian, Kathy, Caiden, and dad
Kathy, Rachel, Maddy, George, and John
Caiden was stuffing his face. I couldn't get a real good shot of it but it was funny. For some reason he has to stuff everything in his mouth all at once... must of gotten it from dad ha ;-)
Whitney and I! I'm going to miss her soo much! We talk to each other or actually text almost everyday... it's going to be so weird not talking to her everyday. Luckily we'll be able to write each other. She's planning on going on a mission too and will probably be out in the field about 6 months after me, so we'll get to write as fellow sister missionaries!
Tennille and I =) She's so cute, I love her!
A lot of my relatives went to my farewell talk and a handful of my friends. It was so fun to see everyone. I was pretty nervous about my talk but it didn't turn out too bad and I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be once I got up there and spoke. I guess I was a little bit nervous though and it showed because I kept moving my hair... one side behind my shoulder, and then both sides, and then both sides forward, and then the other side back haha. I guess I kept doing this and I had no idea! Anyway I feel so grateful to everyone.
THANK YOU soooooooo much for coming everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm sorry to those I didn't even say hi to. I was running all over the place and didn't even say hi to a lot of you sorry but really thank you so much and I love you all!!!

1 comment:

Gwen said...

You did great on your talk. the pot luck after was really nice, we enjoyed it. The pictures are great.