Monday, November 16, 2009


Hola! Como estan? Epero que todo este bien. Todo esta bien aqui conmigo. Hemos ensenado muchas lecciones lo cual es exelente pero hay muchas personas de que tenemos mucho trabajo. Entonces voy a escribir en ingles. So things are good here. The baptism that Eva Lugo and her daughter Jessica were so excited to go to was on Saturday. They didn't have a ride there so we oranged for la Familia Ambrosio to pick them up. It ended up that the husband of Eva took them to the baptism a half hour early and we weren't there yet because we were waiting for Karina and her children to get out and on their way to the baptism. By the time we got there they left because they had been waiting for a half hour. Hermano Ambrosio was looking for them and everything but couldn't find them. I was so bummed I wanted to cry because I wanted them to go to the baptism sooo bad and her husband and older daughter, Lupita, might have stayed also which would have been so awesome. I felt so bad and when I called Eva she wasn't the happiest. She wasn't mad but sounded pretty frustrated. There was a lot of confusion involved. So that was a bummer but Karina went and that was good. We also have the temple trip coming up and Eva and her daughters (Jessica, Lupita, y Venessa) are going. I just hope that nothing happens that keeps them from going to the temple. Militza is going too. This will be her second time giong and I just hope she doesn't faint or nothing happens with anyone. So, that trip should be good. I'm excited for it. I'm hoping that it will help Eva to go to church. So we have that coming up and very exciting news. Maira Bravo, who we are also teaching, has a baptismal date of Dec. 5 which she accepted. At church yesterday, she told me that she wants to go to the Sociedad de Sucorro en los Martes, so she's going to start going to relief society activities or what is it called... oh, enrichment and she's the one that asked if she could go! And also she wants to help clean the church Saturday mornings. How cute is that? I didn't even know they announced that but she asked me about it and wants to go. She's so awesome. I just hope sooooo much that her husband will come around. I want to try harder to talk to him and see if we can teach him also. We've only met him like twice. We're work on that. We're as of yesterday, teaching Jose who we met at the lavenduria. He is really interested, has a lot of questions, and doesn't work Sundays which is fabulous. It's actually really cool because he met with some Elders about a year ago in Salinas. From last Sunday night when we met him until yesterday when we taught him he pulled out his Book of Mormon that those Elders had given him and started reading. He read up to Jacob. We thought that was awsome. He didn't really comprehend what he had read though and so we will help him there. So he told us about some dreams he had, always, and pretty much from those dreams he knew he needed to change his ways (drinking and what not) and then pulled out the Book of Mormon and started reading. I thought that was way cool and exciting. We have a few other's that we're teaching that I think will progress but we'll see. We're still looking for more to teach, always. The work is moving along though, slowly but surely. I love it out here though. I might be leaving in a month though which is sad and scary to think that I will be training in 2 months. My spanish needs a lot of work but I know that the Lord will bless me with another miracle. Anyway that's pretty much what's going on here. I hope you guys are doing good! I love you all looooooots!!!!!!

Hermana Alvey =-)

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