Monday, August 17, 2009

Mission Letter 10 August 2009

Hey!! I'm now officially in the field and I love it! I arrived here in San Jose Tuesday August 4. I called to serve in Las Colinas as my first area. It's sooo different here than in the MTC which I expected. We contact a lot and it is so much fun. I love the people here. Even though I don't know much spanish and don't understand then a lot of the time, they're still so sweet and very patient. Everyone hugs here and kisses eachother on the cheek.

At first I didn't know what to think about that but after just a few days I've gotten used to it. My trainer's name is Hermana Kelson. She is from Sandy, Ut and was called to serve in San Jose English speaking but the first day she got here President Jackson told her she was going to switch to the spanish program. I would be so scared if that happened to me but she loves it and is so happy she's serving spanish speaking. So she's only been out a few months more than I have so she doesn't know much more spanish than I do! I was so shocked when I found this out because I thought for sure my first senor companion would speak fluent spanish. She understands more than I do and speaks a little better but we're both pretty much at the same level so it's quite a struggle to teach and contact like that, but I have faith that we'll get it quick. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I know this is a challenge He expects me to overcome with His help.

So we looove contacting even though half the time we don't know what the people are saying or what how to respond. Just about everyone we have met is straight from Mexico and do not speak any english. I can't even tell you how many Juan, Jose, Pablo, and Pedros we've met. They're quite the popular names lol.

The food here is AMAZING. We get fed every day and sometime twice a day and the members loove to pile on the food. They keep asking if we want more and I feel so bad saying no but I'm so full I feel like I'm going to throw-up so I sadly have to say no lol.

Yesterday at church was pretty overwhelming. I had no idea what anyone was saying. I would hear words like "el espiritu santo" "la fe" "Jesucristo" or words like that but that was about it. The members would ask me questions and I would just look at them with a blank face and say "No hablo mucho espanol hora pero estoy aprendiendo. Lo siento" and then they just give me a hug ha. They're all so sweet. Luckly nuestro obisbo had me stand up during sacrament and announced that I am new and don't speak very much spanish at all so just give me lots of hugs/embrace and welcome me (at least I understood that haha)

Oh the men who wheel around in their carts selling food on the streets love giving us stuff. The very first day a man by the name of Juan gave us corn smuthered in mayo and parmesian cheese. At first I didn't know what to think about it but after a while I liked it, weird huh?

We have awesome investigators but we're having a hard time keeping then strong. La ley de castidad (the law of chastity) is a big problem here. They all say that they live with their esposas o esposos but they're really not married they just call their girlfriend or boyfriend their wife or husband. It seems that just about everyone has this problem. I'm so grateful that I can be here to bare testimony of Christ's church so they may know of better lives. The Gospel is true and this world needs it sooooo bad.

My first or second day Hermana Kelson and I sang to a lady by the name of Maria Magdolina. She invited us in and we started talking to her and teaching her about the gospel. She wasn't very interested because just like about everyone else we contact, she is catholic (but rarely attends church or lives her religion) and believes that all religions are good as long as you believe in Christ. While we were talking to her, her friend Maria came into the casa in tears. She has severe depression. Hermana Kelson suggested that the Elders come and give her a blessing. Not really knowing what we were talking about she agreed. We wanted to bring the spirit into the house so we ended up singing mas himnos. Another one of Maria Magdolina's friends also by the name of Maria came in and Maria Magdolina's sister Rosa. Maria, Maria, Maria, Rosa, Hermana Kelson, y yo sang quite a few songs. The spirit was so strong. When the Elders got there they gave her a blessing and after Maria smiled and started crying saying "Gracias a Dios" over and over. It was amazing. We're going to go back and teach them.

Although it's hard and frustrating and sometimes I feel so lost I would never want to do anything else. I know this is the only true church. Please keep praying for me. I love you all soooooo much!!!!

Hermana Jami =)

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