Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey everyone!

Things are going well. I'm picking up more and more spanish each day, but I still have a long way to go. It's been pretty warm here in Las Colinas but the nights y mornings are nice and cool which is so nice. There's a lot of polution, it reminds me a lot a lot of Bakersfield lol. I never talked about where we live. We live in a cute little one bedroom apartment. It's actually really nice which I didn't expect at all. We got a new companion on Monday and things are going good. We weren't sure how we were going to fit another missionary but it's actually not bad at all. We fit 3 little beds in our room and so each bed is like a foot and a half apart haha. Good thing we love each other =) Yeah so we fit well, it's quite the miracle that we fit all of our stuff becasue Hermana Lowry and Hermana Kelson both have a lot of stuff.

Our investigators are doing well. Maria Concepcion Molina is getting baptized this Sunday which is so exciting. We got to take her and her sister to the Oakland temple on Saturday which was awesome. They weren't going to go because somehow they got in a big fight about something and no one was happy. We went over to they're house to see what we could do. We talked to Maria and her daughter, Maria Elena, and called both of them down. Maria Elena wanted to go to the temple so bad but Maria Concpcion Molina was still upset and didn't want to go. We seperated the two so we could try to convince Maria Concepcion Molina to go. I was praying like crazy because I knew that they needed this experience together. A member from the ward ended up calling and I don't know what she said but Maria wanted to go after. I was so grateful and said a big thank you to Heavenly Father. Hermana Lowry and I dressed Maria Concepcion Molina, among other things, which was a whole lot of fun ;-); and we were on our way. The Oakland Temple is soooo beautiful. I loved it. We walked around the temple grounds and visiters center. We got to watch the Joseph Smith movie which was a whole different experience watching it in spanish, it was awesome. That was one little miracle that we witnessed and let me tell you I'm so grateful for the tender mercies that I witness each day, it's unbelievable.

Rene, the little 9 year old we are teaching is going to be baptized this Sunday also and is sooo excited. Oh, he is soo adorable! Karina just got back in town but is planning on moving back with her parents in Fresno. We are so sad about that but know that she'll make the right decision that best. We going to see her tonight and only time will tell if she will be ready to be baptized on Sunday. I sure hope so though, she has such a strong testimony but her parents are so against is and we still need to talk to her about the word of wisdom and the law of chastity. I'll let you know how that goes next week. We had to drop a lot of investigators which is always such a hard choice to make but if they are not progessing there is nothing we can do right now. We have a few new investigators as of this last week and I don't know where all of them will go but one of them is very promising and is the best experince I've had yet.

It was Monday night and we were planning on going to Family night for the ward but the investigator who was supposed to go couldn't anymore. We went around visiting and inviting others we have been teaching but no one was home. We called so many of them but no one answered their phones which is really really unusual. We decided that we would go to see Ana Diaz, who had a baptismal date for this Sunday but has been ignoring us or is always gone lately. We got told that she was not home and so when la mujer shut the door there was another lady at the apartment right next door. We starting talking to her and she was so sweet. Hermana Lowry told her that we had a message about prophets and told her that we have a prophet today and that Christ's church has been restored to the earth. Usually when we tell the people this they knod their heads as if they knew this already but you can tell they're really not interested. Instead, she opened her eyes wide and said Que? She wanted to know more. We asked if she would like us to share more of the message and she very excitedly said yes. Hermana Kelson then asked if she had time right now. She said yes yes and invited us in. We taught the first lesson to her and she was absolutely captivated. I wish you could all see her facial expressions. She was in disbelief and sooo excited to learn more. She said she had been searching for the truth and then we came to the door. She is so humble and oh my goodness it was amazing. The spirit was sooooo stong. We all had tears in our eyes. We commited her to read in the Book of Mormon and to pray to know that it is true. She stroked the Book of Mormon and said she would. She said thank to us probably 50 times before we left. When we walked out we checked the phone and we had several missed calls from those we had called before we taught her. I know for fact that everything happened for a reason and we were met to be there at that exact time so we could teach her. Her name is Militza. She has a husband and two beautiful girls. She is the most humble and faithful woman I have met. She is paralized and so has to stay in a wheelchair yet she never asks why or says woe is me but continualy gives thanks to Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. It was funny because just an hour or so before we met Militza I was thinking how I really needed to pray harder and fast more to find those who are ready to recieve the gospel. There have been several instances in which I have expressed my desires and my prayers were answered long before I received the opportunity to cry unto Heavenly Father in prayer. He is so aware of us all and I know this with everything in me. Never give up, even when times are confusing and hard. I promise you that He knows and has provided a way for us to find comfort and that is through His son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Well, after we left the apartment of Militza I felt very strongly that something was going to happen. She is ready to receive the gospel and Satan does not want her to. I expressed this to Hermana Kelson and Hermana Lowry and so we said a prayer. Sure enough her family STRONGLY dislikes us and does not want us to teach her. We have already seen her 4 times since Monday and I am confident that the Lord will provide a way for her to be baptized no matter how long it takes. Oh, I love her so much. Please pray for her and those we are teaching. You have no idea how many things happen so they cannot/do not attend church and are not baptized.

Well, I'm about out of time but I want you all to know how much I LOVE you all. My prayers are with each of you. Toodles until next week!!!

Hermana Jami =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seems like you are having yourself a good time, thats great am happy for you...for me back here its almost back to school, can't believe the summer is gone