Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This is the Thursday Before Halloween at a church activity. We had a few contests and this was one of them... mummy wrap. Here's Ashley adding her creative touch on our mummy... a tie haha...

Here's quailman checking out our amazing mummy

And here he is all wrapped up. Can you see the eyes, smiley face and tie?? Haha I love our mummy. Oh and if your wondering why his head is like that it's because he's wearing a Nemo costume that goes over your head ha. One of the guys in our mummy wrapping group wore it as his costume and so we thought i'd be creative to wrap Nemo in there too... apparentley the judges didn't think so because we didn't win a prize... oh well it was fun =) Oh and that's Alex, my roommates cousin, in there... poor guy probably could barely breath. What a trooper haha!

Here are some pictures from Halloween night!

I of course had to make up a costume at the last second and after I had already started dressing up as a cowgirl I decided that an 80's girl would be much more fun. This is a horrible pic (I'm pretty sure my eyes are closed or somethin... my face looks pretty scary haha... happy halloween hehe) but it's the only one I got of a whole body shop. I'm wearing black spandex with a bright orange tangtop that's long enough to be a very short dress (perfect) then I'm borrowed some necklaces, bracelets, and earings from Jen and I put on a lot of make-up. I'm wearing big pink socks that are supposed to be like leg warmers and a sparkley purple sash. Jen and I ratted my hair a buch to make it big and messy. It was fun I like it =)

Here's Jen, Alex and I getting ready to go out for the night!

We were hungry so we went to Panda Express before going to a haunted house and party. Jen was eating her fortune cookie and she really look like a rabbit and it sounded like it. I thought it was hilarious so I video taped her. I'm easily entertained, what can I say. In the video there's Jen, Alex, and two of his friends Stephen and Clint

We were in Stephen's car on our way to the corn maze, perfect time to take pics ha

We found out that the corn maze was closed so we decided to check out the free haunted house BYU put on. Were running up a huge hill to get to campus and took pics as we were running. It was pretty funny and we were very winded after... very out of shape we are =)

Jen looks like a real rabbit haha

We made it to the top of the hill yay =)
What a cute bunny rabbit!

We're waiting in line for the free haunted house. The line was so long and we heard that it wasn't worth the wait so we ended up leaving to the party


Here we are at the party

There were a lot of cool costumes, and some not so cool ones too of course... I didnt take any pics of those but I wish we had gotten a pic of one guy that was in a kissing booth. Jen and I kissed him because he asked us too and then we signed his box. It was pretty funny and don't worry we just kissed him on the cheek =)
There were these guys that people circled around and they did some break dancing. They were pretty good I loved watching them (black and some mexican and asians are so good at. I love it) Alex got in there and did some flips and stuff. They were actually impressed... we all were he's pretty good. My friend Whitney, who loves that stuff, would have loved it... they were pretty good =)
Alex washing his hands after doing some flips and stuff... it was raining some so the ground was a lil muddy and wet

So over all I had a lot of fun last night. The weather was so perfect for Halloween I couldn't ask for better and I had a lot of fun with everyone